
Kerala Khadi & Village Industries Board

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Rural Industries Service Centres (RISC)


Rural Industries Service Centres (RISC)

Village Pottery Cluster:- Khadi and Village Industries Commission has approved a scheme under RISC in the name of Muchukunnu Village Pottery Cluster Programme to be implemented in Kozhikkode District. Total Project cost is Rs. 5 lakh. KVIC has sanctioned Rs. 3.75 lakh out of which Rs. 1.25 lakh has been released as first instalment.

Inhouse Testing Lab . KVIC has sanctioned one In house testing lab for the HMP unit at Kizhakkambalam, in Ernakulam district. Total Project cost is Rs.2.68 lakh, KVIC contribution being Rs.2 lakh. The amount has been released by the KVIC.

In Khadi sector 2 In House Testing Lab (one at Thiruvananthapuram and one at Payyannur Khadi Centre) have been sanctioned to the Board under Khadi industry. The projects are under set up